Trezor® Hardware* Wallet® | Getting Started with Trezor

Supporting a Wide Range of Cryptocurrencies

One of the standout features of the Trezor® Wallet® is its support for a vast array of cryptocurrencies. While it was initially designed for Bitcoin, Trezor® has expanded its compatibility to include over 1,000 coins and tokens. This includes popular cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple, as well as numerous ERC-20 tokens. This wide-ranging support makes Trezor® an ideal choice for diversified crypto portfolios.

Open-Source Software

Trezor® Wallet® operates on open-source software, a significant advantage in the world of cryptocurrency. Open-source software allows for transparency and community auditing, ensuring that the code is secure and free from vulnerabilities. This openness fosters trust and confidence among users, as anyone can review and contribute to the software's development.

Regular Firmware Updates

To stay ahead of emerging threats and continuously improve security, Trezor® regularly releases firmware updates. These updates are critical for maintaining the integrity of the device and ensuring that it can counter the latest hacking techniques. Users are encouraged to keep their devices up to date to benefit from the latest security enhancements.

Backup and Recovery

The importance of backup and recovery cannot be overstated in the realm of cryptocurrency. Trezor® Wallet® excels in this area by providing a straightforward and reliable recovery process. The 24-word recovery seed generated during setup is the key to restoring the wallet. This seed should be stored in a safe place, as it can be used to recover funds in case of device loss, theft, or damage. Trezor® also supports Shamir Backup, a method of splitting the recovery seed into multiple shares, which can be distributed and stored separately for enhanced security.

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